Thanks Tomas! I know you are the kind of optimist who is dedicated to action, not the kind Rebecca Solnit is talking about ..."Optimists think it will all be fine without our involvement; pessimists take the opposite position; both excuse themselves from acting.”

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Thanks Hilmar. This is a good overview of how the model was tried out at UK media: https://www.ftstrategies.com/en-gb/insights/user-needs-a-way-for-newsrooms-to-do-more-with-less In all cases, newspapers were over-producing breaking news and under-producing news through the prism readers wanted. An appetite for a more educational way of storytelling was prominent throughout. On a publisher-by-publisher level, we also saw a desire for more inspirational content, or content designed to divert readers or give them a new perspective.

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Thank you Emma for gifting me my morning read of the day. It was reinforcing my optimism for sure! I really really like the way you write, keep rocking it!

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Great presentation, Emma. Do you know of any statistics showing that a stronger emphasis towards Dmitry Shishkin's quadrants of inspiration, perspective or education have countered the trend towards news avoidance? I guess that the BBC or other Shishkinized institutions have tried his methods for a while, and maybe tracked what happens? Anyway, it seems worth a try, thanks for the inspiration and perspective!

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